Testing Hypotheses: Two Sample Tests

TV network executive Terri Black has just received a proposal and a pilot tape for a new show. Empty Nest No Longer is a situation comedy about a middle-aged couple whose two collegegraduate offspring cannot fi nd jobs and have returned home. Terri wonders whether the show will appeal to twenty-somethings as well as to an older audience. Figuring that people in her offi ce are reasonably representative of their age group in the population as a whole, she asks them to evaluate the pilot tape on a scale from 0 to 100, and gets the following responses. Age Responses 20–29 86 74 73 65 82 78 79 ≥ 30 63 72 68 75 73 80 (a) At a 0.05 signifi cance level, should Terri conclude the show will be equally attractive to the two age groups? (b) Independent of your answer to (a), do you think Terry should use the results of her offi ce survey to decide how to design an advertising campaign for Empty Nest No Longer? Explain.

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