Testing Hypotheses: Two Sample Tests

Jeff Richardson, the receiving clerk for a chemical-products distributor, is faced with the continuing problem of broken glassware, including test-tubes, petri dishes, and fl asks. Jeff has determined some additional shipping precautions that can be undertaken to prevent breakage, and he has asked the Purchasing Director to inform the suppliers of the new measures. Data for 8 suppliers are given below in terms of average number of broken items per shipment. Do the data indicate, at α = 0.05, that the new measures have lowered the average number of broken items?

  1. Find the mean change in earnings per share between 1991 and 1992.
  2. Find the standard deviation of the change and the standard error of the mean.
  3. Were average earnings per share different in 1991 and 1992? Test at α = 0.02.

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