Condensed balance sheet and income statement data for Landwehr Corporation appear below.
Additional Information
- The market price of Landwehr's common stock was $4.00, $5,00, and $8,00 for 2018, 2019, and 2020, respectively.
- All Dividends wer paid in cash
- Compute the following ratios for 2019, and 2020.
- Profit margin.
- Asset turnover.
- Earnings per share (Weighted average common shares in 2020 were 32,000 and in 2019 were 31,000.)
- Price-earning ratio.
- Payout ratio..
- Debt to assets ratio.
- Based on the ratios calculated, discuss briefly the improvement or lack thereof in financial position and operating results from 2019 to 2018 of Landwehr Corporation.