A survey of 400 recently qualified Chartered Accountants revealed that 112 joined industry, 120 started practice and 160 joined the firms of practicing chartered accounts as paid assistants. There were 32 who joined service and also did practice; 40 had both practice and assistantship and 20 had both job in industry and assistantshp. There were 12 who did all the three. Indicate how many could not get any of these and how many did only one of these.
A survey of 400 recently qualified Chartered Accountants revealed that 112 joined industry, 120 started practice and 160 joined the firms of practicing chartered accounts as paid assistants. There were 32 who joined service and also did practice; 40 had both practice and assistantship and 20 had both job in industry and assistantshp. There were 12 who did all the three. Indicate how many could not get any of these and how many did only one of these.